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3 - day Online Journey

Silent Morning

Wonderful that you have take the step to improve your mornings and add more value into your life. To enter the Journey you can scroll down and press the button of the day you wish to follow. 



Guided Meditations

For every day of this journey you can listen to another guided meditation or you can listen to them here. 

guided meditation - observe and feel
a beautiful story - silent morning - online
inner space guided mediation

Let the Universe flow through you

Create a life that comes from Inner Wisdom and Possibilities. 

One day during a yoga class I was following I felt a deep insight: I want to become a yoga. and spiritual teacher. I felt a bit funny in the beginning..where does this come from? But during meditations it became stronger and stronger..and all unfold very naturally.Since 10 years I teach: adults, children, people with disabilities, organize yoga retreats and more. I've founded SoulWare in 2015. A new begin of a totally different but beautiful life. 







I live my mission: help others to find: InnerStrenght, InnerWisdom. Joy and create a live beyond your highest potential. 

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