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something special


Give something special to your friends, beloved ones, family and collegues.

Give them TIME & an EXPERIENCE.


A Gift

The Daily Inner Journey GiftCard is a lovely GIFT as you give TIME to another person. Time to follow their Inner Journey, With this Card you can do many things! How about a Private Yoga Session? Or a Gaia Card Reading to make your next steps for the future? Or a 3 - days Online Journey or make that first step to improve the relations with your Body with the BodyReset Program? 

How does it work?

Go to the WebShop ( button above) 

Choose from the 3 different options ( 19, 39 or 99 euro) 

Leave your email and the email of the person you want to give this and we make sure your GIFT will be delivered well. 

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Free Giftcard?

Get your Free GiftCard here! Only available until November 27th

Let the Universe flow through you

Create a life that comes from Inner Wisdom and Possibilities. 

One day during a yoga class I was following I felt a deep insight: I want to become a yoga. and spiritual teacher. I felt a bit funny in the beginning..where does this come from? But during meditations it became stronger and stronger..and all unfold very naturally.Since 10 years I teach: adults, children, people with disabilities, organize yoga retreats and more. I've founded SoulWare in 2015. A new begin of a totally different but beautiful life. 







I live my mission: help others to find: InnerStrenght, InnerWisdom. Joy and create a live beyond your highest potential. 

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