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special for you

To listen

Close your eyes and listen to a refreshing podcast or calm your mind with a guided meditation. 

Listen from every place you are and enjoy! 



Here you will find my recorded podcasts in English. If you want to hear some interesting podcasts in Dutch you can just follow this link

Take time to create time

Guided Meditations

Calm your mind with this beautiful guided meditations, special recorded for you.  You can listen them form every place you like. 

natural flow

Let the Universe flow through you

Create a life that comes from Inner Wisdom and Possibilities. 

One day during a yoga class I was following I felt a deep insight: I want to become a yoga. and spiritual teacher. I felt a bit funny in the beginning..where does this come from? But during meditations it became stronger and stronger..and all unfold very naturally.Since 10 years I teach: adults, children, people with disabilities, organize yoga retreats and more. I've founded SoulWare in 2015. A new begin of a totally different but beautiful life. 







I live my mission: help others to find: InnerStrenght, InnerWisdom. Joy and create a live beyond your highest potential. 

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