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Sign of the Universe

Writer's picture: Aliye van PijkerenAliye van Pijkeren

Updated: Apr 18, 2024

When I have to make very deep decisions, I always ask for a sign from the Universe. When the decision is really difficult, I challenge the Universe: yes, I am being challenged now, so I would like a sign that is really very rare, I say..;).

The kingfisher is not seen much because they are very fast, but of course they have that beautiful color blue.

If the decision is a little less profound, I ask for an owl , because they are around me regularly. But I actually rarely see a kingfisher . And, I then add: 'not in a picture or photo, but in real life!' Haha, because I know the universe has humor too.

Two years ago we went on a trip to Tarifa. That is quite an undertaking, with the animals, and also in terms of planning, finances, work, etc. We always stay longer, so everything has to be properly arranged. In 2022 there was a question whether we should go and I asked the Universe for two signs: an owl & a kingfisher. Nothing came, but I decided to go anyway and everything actually went very smoothly.

We arrived in Tarifa, had set up our outdoor camp and I woke up very early in the morning by the sound of an owl in the olive tree next to our tent. It made me so happy and I had a big smile all day long. The next day I went for a coffee at my favorite beach bar. Everyone was in an uproar, because a little kingfisher had flown in and was looking for a way out. I saw a kingfisher fluttering through the beach bar looking for an open window, which fortunately it found quickly. I was speechless because after asking around it turned out that they are rare to see and owls do not come that close to people. It was a wonderful trip.

But the story goes even further. A month ago I had to make an important inner decision: Dear Universe, may I receive a sign from a kingfisher? But I made it a bit more difficult: preferably in our garden. They are sometimes spotted in the area, but that is rare and I have never seen one. Not once in 7 years. It was the first day of spring. I sat outside in the sun for a while. And suddenly out of nowhere: he was sitting in front of me. On a branch above the ditch behind our terrace. I looked breathlessly at this beautiful bird. He sat for a minute and then flew away with his beautiful blue wings. I was speechless and my heart skipped a beat. Wow, yes this is really a clear sign. A few days later I was riding my bike and out of nowhere a kingfisher flew right past my face. I smiled: yes the Universe challenges me - but also gives me what I ask for. And so we come full circle again. The bump has been overcome and internal decisions have been made.

A new beginning.. 🌞

In June I am organizing a very nice and special retreat in Andalusia. An area where many birds live and you can see the most beautiful species there. The location is off grid and you are really in nature. During this retreat we will do a beautiful ceremony to let you experience the next steps you need to take to create your dream life. From Buddhism I have learned three very clear steps:

  1. meditate

  2. make a decision

  3. take action and create.

We are like the birds, when they start an often long journey to their next destination they know exactly where they are going. Their Inner Compass works flawlessly. We also have an Inner Compass, but have forgotten how to listen and act on it.

This principle is central to the Magic Retreat program. You can read all about this wonderful and transformative retreat via the button below. And at the end of March I will come up with a fantastic offer, which will only be valid for a few days. Leave a message if you want to be kept informed. And I'll tell you in advance: This offer is TRULY irresistible.

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Create a life that comes from Inner Wisdom and Possibilities. 

One day during a yoga class I was following I felt a deep insight: I want to become a yoga. and spiritual teacher. I felt a bit funny in the beginning..where does this come from? But during meditations it became stronger and stronger..and all unfold very naturally.Since 10 years I teach: adults, children, people with disabilities, organize yoga retreats and more. I've founded SoulWare in 2015. A new begin of a totally different but beautiful life. 

I live my mission: help others to find: InnerStrenght, InnerWisdom. Joy and create a live beyond your highest potential. 

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