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The value of a daily 20 minutes Yoga Practise

Writer's picture: Aliye van PijkerenAliye van Pijkeren

Updated: Mar 12, 2024

You know that feeling, when you have to clean your house, and did not anything for more then a week? That's suddenly a lot of work right? You see all the things you have to do and you feel it's better not to start at all, because you don't know how. sounds that familiar to you? Or after a holiday of eating al that you want, you suddenly have to come to ' normal' and start with a diet. Or if you have a garden and did not do anything for months. Everything that you let go..grows..;) . However when you look at your yogapractise it's highly advised to start practicing 20 minutes a day. why? Because it's much more easier to continue and it will give you good results. Like;

  • having a routine

  • feeling aligned

  • more connected with your body

  • develop self esteem

  • opening of energy flows or in other words meridianen

  • feel more aligned with eating pattern

  • better and deeper sleep

  • better focus

  • feel les anxious

  • become more flexible

  • appreciating of your body

  • get more out of head

  • feel more connected with your Inner Self

  • experience more often sense of Joy

  • develop inner strenght

So seeing all value above you might think, yes but how to start? Very easy. find a good teacher where you practise at least one hour a week. Ask your teacher to create an easy going flow your with you can do yourself every day at home. This Flow should also include more meditation and a breathing exercise. 20 minutes a day! Can really change your life completely if you do this for a month.

When you create this healthy pattern in your life, you will see the results very soon. As long as you are willing to COMMIT yourself to this. To commit is an act of love towards your self. Not an obligation. Going back to cleaning your house: if you do it every day, only for 15 minutes, you will save a lot of time at the end of the week right? And you live every day in keen and clean house. So yes, it makes sense to go with that FLOW.

How can you start right now? Enroll for my 7 - days online program: RISE. I've added very inspiring yoga poses that are do - able for everyone! And if you ENROLL, you wil get a 45 - minutes online private yoga session for FREE.( Normally 97 euro)Just to make sure that you will do the poses on the right way and to make sure that some one got your back in this! Rise is all about your inner Journey based on Yoga & Meditation. you will find a lot of Inspiration and guided Meditations.

Wanna know who's teaching? Check this link & read all the reviews. I'm a multi - experienced Yoga Teacher with meditation experience for more then 30 years. I teach adults, children, people with disabilities ( mental & physics ). Founder of SoulWare and organizer of Magic Yoga Retreats.

3 tips to start right away

  • create your own meditation space in your house. Make a beautiful sacred place of it.

  • if you don't have a mat yet? Buy one now. It's really a first move.

  • lay down on the floor, can be a carpet. pull away your shoulders from your ears. unfold your legs like a book you open, open your hands towards to sealing. Take a deep breath and sigh it out. welcome Savasana. Your first Yoga Pose. And one of the most important and most beloved one. Let go, surrender and breath.



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Create a life that comes from Inner Wisdom and Possibilities. 

One day during a yoga class I was following I felt a deep insight: I want to become a yoga. and spiritual teacher. I felt a bit funny in the beginning..where does this come from? But during meditations it became stronger and stronger..and all unfold very naturally.Since 10 years I teach: adults, children, people with disabilities, organize yoga retreats and more. I've founded SoulWare in 2015. A new begin of a totally different but beautiful life. 







I live my mission: help others to find: InnerStrenght, InnerWisdom. Joy and create a live beyond your highest potential. 

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