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Rise 2024

Day 2

This is your second day of a new adventure that goes through body, mind & soul. Be gentle to yourself and give yourself time to adapt, learn and proces.  


Feel like reading my message? Please find the text below


You might hear this word a lot at the moment:


  • Be in a good flow

  • Let your life flow

  • Flow easily through life

  • Etc. 



What is FLOW?  First Flow has to do with easy going, no blocking elements and there’s also a certain softness in it. When you observe water FLOWING for example, a river flows , your blood flows through you etc. 


FLOW is all about CONNECTING: For example: water moleculen are softly connecting with each other that creates a simple stream. When you are in a good energy flow this means that you are connected with your Source, energy moves easily and you will experience connection and unity. 


FLOW is connected with your second chakra - that is all about emotions, feelings, water and movement. 


To be in a good FLOW you need TRUST otherwise you will block yourself with limiting believes, attack thoughts etc. 


On a deeper level you may ask yourself: What wants to FLOW through me? And can I allow that?

Everyone is a unique, authentic being and an apple tree will not give cherries at the end of the Summer. 


For most people it’s much more easier to experience what does NOT want to FLOW through you and that is experienced as pain, disappointment & resistance. 


We have become really good in BLOCKING that beautiful healing energy of the Universe. That energy that makes us fly through life instead of crawling. 


Like Rumi says:

You were born with wings, why do you prefer to crawl through life, learn to use them and fly. 


When you live your life based on FLOW you will noticed that it’s much more easier to create the life you want, to connect with others and to experience that deeper feeling of belonging and walk your path. 


However it can be a challenge to live your life from that state of FLOW. But we get a lot of signs if we are not in this state like:


  • Tired

  • Unhappy

  • Stress

  • Anxious

  • Lack of motivation

  • Loneliness

  • Depression

  • Complaining

  • Etc. 


Off course you can have a ‘ what we call ‘ off day’ but if above signs stay for a longer period then you are not in your FLOW. 

We are masters in blocking ourselves with thoughts as: I cannot do it, what will my environment say, I’m to old, to fat, to this and that, I’m not good enough, not well trained enough, have no experience etc. etc. Well all those thoughts are programmed thoughts that does not come from our SOURCE! Keep that in mind. There was someone in your life, or more people who told you this and you have started to believe this. 


Coming back to TRUST, remember when you have learned to walk. It’s in human nature to walk, to learn that and no parent would have told the child: you can not do it. 


If you are not in state of Flow right now, there are a lot of things you can do to bring that back. Some examples:


  • Yoga & meditation - as this let your energy flow through your body and it connects you on a deeper level with the Universe ( source, spirit or how you may calll it)

  • Writing - when you start journalling your thoughts and activities you will get more insights of your proces and for some people it even creates a flow of inspiration. 

  • Walking - just a simpel walk a day will help you a lot to bring back a FLOW in your life. 

  • Nature - this absolute the most important one I have to mention as YOU ARE NATURE.Nature heals, inspires, give energy, connect etc. 

  • Travelling - step out of your daily environment and fill the cup with new experiences. 


Have a wonderful day,

xox Aliye

Guided Meditation

I have recorded a beautiful guided meditation for you. that supports you with this theme of the day. 

Close your eyes and listen. 

Eenvoudig Wit Tekst Strand Instagram Post.png


Answer the following questions in your WorkBook


1: And I would like to invite you to write down after the meditation everything that comes up in your mind when you hear the word FLOW.  Don’t think about the outcome, just write it down. 


2: What are the things you LOVE to do the most? When do you forget about time? What FLOWS easily through you? 


3: What would change in your life when you do more of the things you LOVE? Would your work change? Traveling? House?  

4: How does your body feel when you move more? Dance more? Are you flexible? Would you want to work more on that? 

5: Is it easy for you to let your emotions and feelings FLOW through you/ 

Your Yoga Practise

Go to you daily FLOW or start with the Sun Salutation. That will bring a lot of energy in your body and gives a lovely natural FLOW

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