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Rise 2024

Day 4

This is your fourth day of a new adventure that goes through body, mind & soul. Be gentle to yourself and give yourself time to adapt, learn and proces.  


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Heal is a word we hear so often. We have to heal ourselves, we have to heal our trauma’s, we have te heal the world. 


What is healing actually? And is it the same then cure? A cure signified the banishment of physical illness, but a healing could mean not just a physical cure, but a repairing and strengthening of the mind and spirit to improve the quality of life. 


Let’s look at a practical example: when you cut your finger, it will need some time to heal right. What does it mean when it’s healed? You will not see anything about it. Like it was never there. 

What is important to do? First thing is to take care of it, wrap something around it to stop the bleeding and then most important thing: don’t touch it all the time, because otherwise the cut will open again. It needs soft attention and most of all: time. 


In fact it goes the same for us with wounds from the past. It needs time. And sometimes it’s needed that you look at it again because you have walked away from it in the past. 


We all know a lot of situations wich where hard. Perhaps when you were a child or later as an adult. We all carry a certain amount of pain in us. We might be disappointed, hurt, angry or a combination of these things. 


Whatever It is with you, what needs healing, give it TIME. And second look at it with LOVE. That’s easy do to for others, but can you also do it for yourself? 


Some things in your life cannot be solved by yourself. You might need some one to help you with this. And if so, please look for the right person. 


There’s a healing energy in all of us and a beautiful example is off course NATURE. We can feel the healing energy when you walk in a forest, a garden or on the beach. It’s that higher frequency nature has what gives us this healing. In fact we also have it, but we have lost contact with it. Because our mind is in the way. Our mind can stop us sometimes from feeling or will say that it’s not right to feel this or that. Healing comes from the heart. It’s not a coincidence that you find a lot of green in nature and that the color of your heart chakra is GREEN. That’s also the chakra that belongs to this day 4 of the journey. You can not live your life the fullest if you carry unhealed parts with you that becomes more heavy. 


Our body has a beautiful way to transform sadness and pain: by crying. When you cry the water takes the pain and sadness out of your body. Remember that everything is energy! Sadness is also energy and when it stays in your body for to long it will find other ways to come out. 


However sadness is also connected to inner strength and like Osho says: 


Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That's its balance.


The wounds we carry in ourselves has to do with others. This interaction is how we learn and experience. However it’s better to let go the pain, the suffering , the resistance you carry with you. As it makes life heavier. If you want to RISE you have to look at this as well: what holds you back to RISE? 

In your workBook you will find a beautiful excercise it’s called Ho’oponopono. I would like to invite you to do this exercise today. You can use the meditation of this day to guide you in this proces. You can do the exercise for any person involved in your healing proces. So you might have to do the exercise a few times. 

Ho’oponopono is an Hawaiian Ritual for Forgiveness. Actually is forgiveness the most healing action you can do for yourself and others. The starting point of this ritual is that everyone is connected with each other, although you are not always feel that way. You might feel lonely or separated, but in fact you are not. With this excersice you will break the chain of separation and pain in your life. 


Wish you a wonderful day, 



Guided Meditation

I have recorded a beautiful guided meditation for you. that supports you with this theme of the day. 

Close your eyes and listen. 

meditation for healing
Eenvoudig Wit Tekst Strand Instagram Post.png


Please read the chapter about Ho'ponopono


1:Wich person do you want to forgive?

2:What can be healed in your life? 

3:How gentle are you with yourself if you look at your healing proces?

Yoga WorkBook

This day you can do some Heart Openers. you will find them in your Yoga WorkBook. they are also help you  with the Guided Meditation of today. 


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