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Rise 2024

Day 5

This is your fifth day of a new adventure that goes through body, mind & soul. Be gentle to yourself and give yourself time to adapt, learn and proces.  


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Create is absolutely one of favorite topics because as human beings we can create so much beautiful things. Think about the beautiful paintings you see, the beautiful music you hear, beautiful places that are created , the clothes you wear, the house you live in , and even your device you use at the moment to follow this program. 


Here comes something very interesting: nothing that is not already there, cannot be created! Yes , I understand that this may be confusing for you , but it’s one of the principles of quantum fysica. 


If you want to learn more about this, please press the button below in the program, which lead you to a funny , but clear video , explaining this topic, on you tube. 


Some things that we consider as normal in our daily life, did not exist 200 years ago. Think of something as your phone. We might think that the things that are invented did not exist yet, but when you follow the theory of quantum fysica you will understand that in fact: everything already exists on another frequency. The only thing is needed is to connect with a certain frequency. Remember day 3, how explain to connect with your core - frequency. 


Some inventors saw their product already in a dream. that’s amazing right? And composers like Beethoven and Mozart say that the music just came through them. By the way Beethoven was at age of 44 completely deaf. And still composed his beautiful music. 


Eckart Tolle, de writer of the ‘ power of now’ ( a book that I highly recommend to read ) explains that he wrote that book because the words came through him. As a flow, a stream of energy. 


And often people experience an idea, a insight or something like that and then they suddenly see that everywere. It’s because more people connect to that frequency. For example , when I created this program months ago I felt a deeply need to call it Rise 2024, as I felt that we have to Rise Up this year. And now I see more big events of big names that also have created programs and webinars with the name RISE.  For me this brings a big smile on my face , because I feel connected to that certain frequency. 


When you create, what ever it is, life flows through you and that’s an amazing experience. You might loose sense of time and also , very important: your egoïst mind has no space at that moment. As your being is in the state of FLOW. 


To create has to do with your 5th chakra - what do you wish to communicate? Express? Can you express yourself? Your being? 


And most important: what’s blocking it? Most of the time that are thoughts like: not good enough, not worthy enough, feelings of fear, lack etc. etc. 


To create has to do with your voice and on a deeper level with your inner voice. Are you brave enough to listen to that and create the life you wish. What is the frequency you are tuned in and I know from own experience that fear is never a wise frequency. To connect with this state of being you need to become silent. Or better say , to connect with the silence in you. Your consciousness. Isn’t that funny? To speak your ‘ voice’ you need to be silent. 


In Daily Life it’s important to take care of your body because being practical; the things you want to create you do with your body right? Good food, sleep, yoga & meditation , nature is needed to connect with your core - frequency. When you feel tired because you don’t take good care of your body , it’s not the best state to create. Remember that all is connected. 


In your yoga practise you will find some excersises to open up your throat - chakra and it can happen that after doing them some blocked emotions comes out during the day. 


What also can help is to sing songs you love or even sing a mantra. I’ve added some of my favorites in this program. ( just scroll , you will find them below). 


Please answer the questions in your workbook. And create something you love to do, what ever that is. Painting, writing, singing..just start with it. 


Have a wonderful day, 


Guided Meditation

I have recorded a beautiful guided meditation for you. that supports you with this theme of the day. 

Close your eyes and listen. 

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Answer the following questions in your WorkBook


1:Find some interesting questions in your workbook about CREATE. 

2: What do you want to CREATE in your life? Why are you not doing it?

3: What did you CREATE so far? 

Yoga Practise

Today your practise is all about opening your Throat chakra . Please find some yoga  poses in your Yoga WorkBook. Or sing a song you love. 


Extra Inspiration 

Hereby some extra inspiration : the explanation of Quantum Fysica and a beautiful mantra below. Enjoy! 

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I love to share one of my favorite mantra's here. Enjoy! 

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