Rise 2024
Day 7
This is your 7 th day of a new adventure that goes through body, mind & soul. Be gentle to yourself and give yourself time to adapt, learn and proces.
Feel like reading my message? Please find the text below
Comparison is the killer of Joy.
Joy is a word we here so often. And it’s all about that beautiful energy that we all carry in us. Joy is not something that comes from the outside but has all to with your Core - Frequency. We are all born in the state of Joy.
As we are at the last day of this Journey, you also know that this day is connected with your 7th Chakra: your Crown - Chakra. This Chakra is connected with our belief system. Our way of ‘ thinking. Yet so powerful, but can be so challenging. It’s the ‘ place ‘ of consciousness. But in fact that does not have a fixed place. It’s that beautiful energy that flows through us and that creates the Universe. How wonderful it is that we have the ability to tune in to that frequency. But also here I have to mention that our mind is a wonderful tool, but can be in the way as well. What do we really believe who we are is the big question here. And a challenge to see and understand everything we are not.
Remember when you were a child, playing, forget all about time? Feel that soft, gentle peaceful flow of happiness and well - being? That’s Joy.
Joy is different then Pleasure. There’s nothing wrong with pleasure , but it’s just another frequency, another energy level. Pleasure comes from fulfillment of desires. For example you see a beautiful dress and you really feel that you become beautiful when you wear it. So you decide to buy the dress, feel beautiful , get compliments etc. However..as we all experience: it’s not a long lasting feeling. As said before , nothing wrong with it, and also fun to add in your life, but the frequency is different then Joy.
The true definition of joy goes beyond the limited explanation presented in a dictionary. ‘ a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. ‘ True joy is a limitless, life- defining , transformative reservoir waiting to be tapped into. It requires the utmost surrender and, like love, is a choice to be made.
Like Love, it’s a choice to be made. As we need to ‘ tune in ‘ to that frequency and this requires a practise. A practise of our mind. We are so used to compare, to be ambitieus, to fight, to struggle as this is what we have learned: you have to struggle , to fight, to conquer to achieve the things in your life. And that has nothing to do with the True Spirit you are.
This is for all of us the most difficult thing in our life: Align yourself with the True spirit you are, your Core - Frequency, the frequency of the Universe.
As you have noticed in this program, is that in fact I only say a few things:
Connect with the Universe.
Observe your mind
Be aware of what is blocking you.
Another ‘ killer ‘ of Joy is Fear. As fear makes your life smaller and joy is all about experience Abundance. Remember day 6: The impossible is possible.
Surrender to life, surrender to the immense Light of the Universe and knowing that you are that. We are like the rays of the Sun: the rays are not the Sun itself, however they carry all the elements of the Sun. If you start living your life based on this, you become the miracle you are.
Easy said, but it requires a practise , a way of living and it’s a CHOICE.
To experience Joy you have to get of your couch..;). yes you might feel satisfied, at peace, comfortable with your tea and book, having a blanket around you. And that’s all wonderful. I don’t say that you cannot experience Joy then, but Joy comes from doing the things you love to do.
What are the things you LOVE to do?
Like Rumi says:
When you do what you love, you feel a river in you , a river of joy.
Today will be a doing day:
Make a list of what you love to do and pick at least one. Whatever it is. And experience that feeling of Joy. Be like a child, playful and at ease.
In your Yoga WorkBook you will find some challenging poses, that brings your body in the state of letting go and being playful .
As I said , this is the last day of your Journey and I hope you have enjoined it. Give yourself time to integrate all you have learned these days in your life. There might have been some moments of recognition. That’s wonderful if you have them , as it means that you are on your way.
You might have periods in your life that it’s difficult to see this path, to experience your Core - Frequency. And you are not doing anything wrong , it’s just that you know that you have to get back on track. It’s what we call BALANCE.
With gratitude,
Guided Meditation
I have recorded a beautiful guided meditation for you. that supports you with this theme of the day.
Close your eyes and listen.