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Day 1

Silent Morning

Welcome in Silent Mornings - a 3 day Journey that will absolutely support you to find more balance and peaceful moments in your life. 


Are you ready?

Today is your day of OBSERVING.Please  listen to my meditation and just sit afterwards for 30 minutes observing yourself. You might feel uncomfortable, get attack thoughts, feel bored, feel stress or perhaps you have to laugh about yourself. everything is ok as it belongs especially to you and your life. 


When you start your Daily Activities, try to stay in this OBSERVING MODE the whole day. Really, you have no idea how much this will bring you during the day. When you find it hard to do this automatically, you can set an alarm every two hours for example. Every time the alarm goes, you just take a few minutes to observe that special moment. 


I have recorded a beautiful guided meditation for you that you can listen when you start your morning. And you can even listen this meditation more often during this Day 1. 


In your WORKBOOK you will find more guidance how to proces this Day 1 and  please answer  the 3 questions you will find in your workbook as well that belongs to this DAY 1. Wish you a wonderful start. 


With gratitude,




special message for you

silent morning day 1 - guided meditation

Guided Meditation

I have recorded this beautiful Guided Meditation for you. It's a meditation you can start with every morning if you wish or during your day when you feel overwhelmed and need to come out of your head. 



If you did not have your WorkBook yet, you can download it here! 



Use your WorkBook as a handy guidance these 3 days. Today you can answer the 3 questions that belongs at Day 1. You will find  at Day 1 in your workbook. Be honest when you answer them and you do this for yourself. No one else than you. Have fun with it. 

Let the Universe flow through you

Create a life that comes from Inner Wisdom and Possibilities. 

One day during a yoga class I was following I felt a deep insight: I want to become a yoga. and spiritual teacher. I felt a bit funny in the beginning..where does this come from? But during meditations it became stronger and stronger..and all unfold very naturally.Since 10 years I teach: adults, children, people with disabilities, organize yoga retreats and more. I've founded SoulWare in 2015. A new begin of a totally different but beautiful life. 







I live my mission: help others to find: InnerStrenght, InnerWisdom. Joy and create a live beyond your highest potential. 

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